EF is a set of neurocognitive skills that function as the brain’s control of action, thought and emotion. EF skills include working memory, cognitive flexibility, inhibitory control, planning, organising, and problem-solving. These skills are essential for us to achieve goals, adapt to new or changing situations and challenges, and manage social interactions and relationships. Research has shown that EF skills are better predictors of success in academics and in life, even more so than IQ tests!
The good thing about EF is that it can be developed over time through regular practice. Cambridge Pre-school cultivates EF skills through games and hands-on activities. We assess children using an award-winning research-based tool designed to measure EF skills through a short and engaging digital game. This gives our teachers an in-depth look at children’s EF abilities and progression over the years, so we can work together with parents to enhance each child’s EF skills.