“…he was a ‘Mr. No’ child, but now he is a confident boy.”
Ms Chua Chew Peng, Mother of Hector Lee
Time flies .. Hector will be graduating end of this year with Cambridge @ Robertson. I share with him the same mixed feelings, excited that he will be entering a new milestone but sad that he is leaving the school soon.The past 3 years had been an excellent experience for Hector. Besides the fundamental academic curriculum, the school cultivates real-world skills through project work. With a different theme topic in each term, Hector learns and develops valuable skill that enables him to communicate, collaborate, manage changes and being creative which are essential skills to prepare him for tomorrow’s world. He has also established strong friendship with his classmates. He would share about his interaction with them in class, whose birthday is coming and what snacks to buy for his friends when they have an outings. This is necessity for a healthy psychological development and I am glad Hector is coping this very well.
We would like to convey our appreciation to ALL teachers and staffs who have been part of his life for the last 3 years. They took great efforts to understand each and every child’s unique personality and nurture them. I remembered very clearly when Hector first started with Cambridge, he was a “Mr. No” child, but now he is a confident child who has the necessary skills to move forward to the next stage.