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Mother of Yikai – Cambridge @ Sengkang

“The Cambridge Pre-school teachers are creative in their lesson ideas…”

Mother of Yikai

Hi everyone, I am Yikai’s mother. Currently, Yikai is studying at Cambridge @ Sengkang. Today, I would like to share with you about Yikai’s pre-school learning journey.

Yikai is a very active child and his favourite colours are black and red. My husband and I were quite worried about this. When Yikai was 18 months old, we enrolled him in Cambridge Pre-school. However, Cambridge @ Sengkang is a distance away from where we are staying. When a new pre-school opened at the foot of our block, we transferred him there for convenience. Unfortunately, his learning progress at the new school was not ideal. My husband and I discussed and decided to transfer him back to Cambridge Pre-school.

Initially, we were concerned that he would not be able to adapt to the environment. The teacher feedback that he had difficulty keeping pace with his peers. The teacher taught him patiently. After two months, the teacher informed us that he had improved tremendously. He is able to keep pace with the class and gets along well with his friends. The Cambridge Pre-school teachers are creative in their lesson ideas and plan field trips for the children to interact with the community. They also provide many different learning opportunities for children to express themselves and their creativity. As such, Yikai loves going to school.

Now, not only can Yikai focus on his homework, he is also able to express himself confidently. Unlike the past, he now uses a variety of colours in his drawings. My husband and I are very grateful to Cambridge @ Sengkang for its curriculum, the team of professional and caring teachers, and the way the Principal manages the school.

Thank you everyone at Cambridge @ Sengkang!